Saturday, May 13, 2006

Ebay Memories

As I went to Ebay today to learn about selling items, I couldn't help but hearken back to my high school memories of being scammed by Darrell Duncan from Seattle I think. That was at least what he called himself. He was a nice guy; we even spoke on the phone - I sent him a check to buy an adobe program which he said he had at a cheaper rate than what I was paying to someone on Ebay. And I was a stupid idiot and sent him the money. I figured that since he had given me his contact information - address and phone number - I could trust him. But no dice. Weeks passed and he sent several excuses, and I never received my computer program. I must have been around 16 or 17. Thanks Dunk009, who I occasionally see online incidentally and have to hold back from emailing. I decided against harassing him, as I didn't have much of a case for myself and was more likely to get myself in trouble . . .but the memory won't fade. Sucks to get scammed.

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