Wednesday, January 19, 2005


It's been a few days since I last visited my blog. School has been tremendously busy these past days, replete with lab hours and a whole new slew of lectures, as well as an 1.5 hour fight with the copy machine this afternoon. It's business as usual.

I was surfing the online "friend" websites that I'm a part of and just couldn't help reminiscing about how great it would be to be able to float away into that world of my dreams, peppered by exploration and wandering, back to memories of old friends and a road that looks uncertain yet familiar in its untrodden aspect. Instead, as much as I like life these days its disgusting monotony is hard to tolerate when you're itching to explore. It makes me wonder what truly lies ahead for me and if I've been making the right decisions in life so far: to stay the more sure, certain course. To get some security and get myself a little settled into a good career before trying to up and wander around.

What is it about the greener pastures that offers such strong appeal? Happy as I am, secure as I am with family and friends, I can't help but envy companions modeling in Europe and running marathons, or others in California or New York or a myriad other places. Sometimes "anywhere but here" just grabs and pulls. Tugs even.

And then there is music. A beautiful piece by Biebl (all men's chorus, you know it if you know it). from my college glee club. Brings me tears. Oh god.

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